Thursday, February 24, 2022

Trans-Institutional Experiments and Collaboration (2022 spring): Everyday Aesthetics

Trans-Institutional Experiments and Collaborations (TAI-E314901) will Spring 2022 focus on the everyday - and the perspective is based on aesthetics, design and art.

Is the everyday a set of objects (lamp, table, milk bottle) or a routine mode of being, which one is used to, for some homey, for some a less homey? Both ways of thinking are justifiable, but they can produce very different definitions of what we talk about. What is the everyday in prisons? Who's everyday is in the spotlight when we use the word everyday? What is the relationship of everyday and today's tech? Everyday practices change as much as artistic practices. And there are people, like Andy Warhol, who's artistic work could be discussed rewardingly through the concept of the everyday. These are all notes made by our guests. (See schedule below.)

The course is a collaboration between Aalto University, University of Palermo (Italy, Elisabetta Di Stefano) and University of Brno (Czech Republic, Lenka Lee). As there are participants from the US, Czech Republic and Italy, the course will use Zoom for all sessions. It runs Thursdays 3-5 PM (Finnish Time, and 2-4 CET)

Zoom links will follow through MyCourses.

10.3 Max Ryynänen: Who's Everyday?

17.3 Ossi Naukkarinen: Changing Everyday Aesthetic Practices

24.3 Elisabetta Di Stefano: Carceral Aesthetics

31.3 Tom Leddy: Warhol as Aesthetician of Life

28.4 Sanna Lehtinen: Urban Everyday Technologies

5.5 Lenka Lee: Flaneurs

To get the course CREDITS, write a course diary (8 pages) or an essay on some topic discussed on the course (5 pages) and mail it to Max no later than May 12.


Trans-Institutional Experiments and Collaboration (2022 spring): Everyday Aesthetics

Trans-Institutional Experiments and Collaborations (TAI-E314901) will Spring 2022 focus on the everyday - and the perspective is based on ae...